Phasmagorical Experiences
For The Adventurous & Curious
"Supernatural. Inexplicable.
Tantalizing from start to finish!"
-Amanda L
"That was super weird.... and I loved it!"
-Laura M
Bespoke soirées of theatrical séance, haunted artifacts, fortune telling and the occult for the adventurous and curious. Strange magic? Indeed.
From esoteric to enchanting to unnerving; evenings with Smith are adults-only immersive paranormal experiences of story and mystery. Alluring, spooky and imbued with dark humor.
Smith is a Magician member of the Academy of Magical Arts at the Magic Castle.
He provides exclusive and discreet in-home Séance experiences for an A-list clientele.
Society Of The Séance is his mostly monthly pop up paranormal soirée.

The allure of the Victorian séance as a contemporary experience

"An evening with Smith is truly unlike any other. You’ll be fully questioning reality and also have a hell of a lot fun!"
- Brett H
"My experience with Smith, while wildly entertaining definitely left me thinking about spirit world possibilities. I slept with the with the light on that night."
- Lisa B
"By far my favorite tarot reading
I've ever received."
- Tracy S
An exhilarating return to a time where people were curious, and what lay beyond the veil was provocative and perhaps a little dangerous

"A night with Smith isn’t a magic show…it’s an otherworldly experience."
- Priya A
"Our guests were thrilled and thoroughly entertained. We had so much fun!"
- Almara F

Phasmagorical [faz-muh-gor-uh-kal]
Definition: An enchanting blend of spectral intrigue and social allure: characteristic of the captivating atmosphere created during a seance, where the ethereal, the astonishing and the social converge.
A convergence of mysterious communion and shared experience.

Upcoming Events
- Inquire for private eventsfabulous evenings of esoteric adventure